Displaying items by tag: hormones

The Billings Ovulation Method® is not just for women who are trying to conceive or for those who are wanting to avoid pregnancy. It is knowledge that every woman ought to have. Why? Because it can help you to safeguard your reproductive health.

The Billings Ovulation Method® Chart is Diagnostic

Changes in your cervical mucus are an accurate reflection of what is going on with your reproductive hormones. The chart you keep will be an accurate record of these hormonal events. Over 50 years of research and hormonal assays confirm this.

Среда, 13 января 2010 15:45

Pituitary and Ovarian Hormones

J.B. Brown D.Sc. Ph.D.

Ovulation - the release of an ovum by the ovary - is the most important event of the fertile cycle; it occurs only once at a moment in time during the cycle, even when more than one ovum is released.

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